Copy Subitems

Choose a template item and copy its subitems to the item triggering the action. Option to also copy the column values from columns matching both title and type.

How it works

There are two integration features included in this app.

Copy subitems

Choose a template item and copy its subitems to the item triggering the action. 

Copy column values

Option to also copy the column values from columns matching both title and type.

This is a great way to have control over your subitem creation, ability to quickly and easily edit those subitem templates, and use the same templates on multiple boards without needing to recreate the custom automation.


Installation Guide

A guide on how to install and start using our Copy Subitems Monday integrations app.

Step 1: Navigate to the installation link provided. You will be prompted with the OAuth scopes the app requires. Click the blue ‘Install’ button. The app will then be installed successfully.
Step 2: You will want to have an item with subitems already created that you will use to copy to your desired item. We recommend you have a board dedicated to house your template subitems. Then navigate to any board you wish to use the integration recipes on. There is one integration feature included with this app. On the desired board we recommend you read through the recipes to determine the best setup based on your use case. Some of the common use cases we see people using this app is for processes that follow the same repeated steps and are using the subitems as a checklist, like the process to prepare a house for sale by a realtor.
Choose board
copy subitems recipes


All plans support unlimited users in your account.