About Us

Chris Buna

Founder & Lead Consultant

Chris is the founder of Simplified Workflows. The company started as a side hustle that quickly grew to be the business it is today. Chris fell in love with making work simple, getting rid of the repetitive tasks, and keeping his time focused on things he is passionate about. In 2015, Chris was introduced to the backend of Excel, learning VBA and macros. At the time that knowledge was used purely for his job. Chris’ next job used GSuite products and so Chris dove into learning Google Apps Script and JavaScript. That job also introduced Chris to Zapier and monday.com. After learning and more about all these tools and taking a freelancing course Chris branched out to offer services for other small businesses that needed help. That was back in 2019 and Chris has worked with nearly 100 businesses.

Chris is happily married, a father of four, lives in Memramcook, New Brunswick, and loves golf, volleyball, and being in nature with his family.

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